Tuesday, April 27, 2010

*Spreading the {LOVE}

So, as I checked my e-mails yesterday I opened this one & thought I would share with you:


I just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how you have inspired me. I have never sewn before and a couple of months ago I saw your boutique. I have been shopping at boutiques since my 12 year old was born and now we have been blessed with another little girl, Reese. I saw your pillowcase dress and thought to my self why cant I do that? I had bought my daughter a Brother ES350 sewing machine 2 years ago for Chrismas because my mother in law wanted her to start sewing with her. Well needless to say that did not last very long. So we had this sewing machine sitting around and I thought maybe I can try and sew a pilllowcase dress. I looked up how to do one on youtube and walla. I did it. I was so impressed with myself hehehehe! Anyway, I started going to JoAnns and Hobby Lobby and buying easy patterns. My husband and I run a trucking company out of Houston and I have 3 beautiful children. I am very busy, but wanted to start sewing for my little girl. Sometimes when I go to the boutique here in my neighborhood they do not have what I want. So now I can make it myself. Not that I have a lot of time, but the time I do have in the evenings or should I say wee mornings I spend sewing. I want to thank you for giving me the courrage to do something for myself and express my creativity. By the way you are awesome! Your creations are georgous and thank you for sharing them with all of us. I hope one day I can make it to Boutique Blvd and see all of your stuff in person! Take care and thanks again!

Tabitha Gatlin
Baby Sister's Boutique

I find it so rewarding when I can read that I helped launch a dream or even plant a seed of wanting to crank up that old sewing machine... I get a lot of joy from what I do & I encourage anyone to stretch their {sewing & crafting} legs... who knows what you can do. This just made my day!

Thank You Tabitha:)

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1 comment:

Linda said...

Esther, I thought to myself-- "Goodness! When did I write that to diaperdiva? :)" Same thing here. I grew up not sewing even though my grandmothers, my mother, and my mother-in-law always have. After finding your site, I thought I'd give it a shot and did a few pillowcase dresses for my little Bridget. It has been a fun adventure! I love your designs, your website, and your story. Everytime I visit the site or your blog, I feel like I'm having coffee with one of my best girlfriends! Keep up the good work and keep inspiring women everywhere!
