Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mae-Mae's Blanket

Ok... after purchasing Ms. Bea, I made a vow to either pick up sewing again or join a support group for fabric addicts! I have an antique armoire in my bedroom filled to the brim with TONS & TONS of fabric. So, the last time I went out shopping for supplies I ran across a "kit" to make a blanket & thought... "I maybe could pull this one off starting back up." So I immediately purchased it, brought it home & then occasionally glanced at it for about 2 weeks. I didn't study it or anything like that, I honestly just looked at it in fear. Kind of like you do when there's a mountain of laundry staring back at you & everytime you walk by you're a little more scared than the last to even touch it :)
But I decided to just jump in & start... and I stayed up until 3 AM the first night working on it. For those of you that don't personally know me, I am a HUGE perfectionist & that can be a huge character flaw at times. Another thing some might not know is that I have a very sensitive & nostalgic side. I knew that if I set out to make something I thought my daughter might hang on to & pass down to my G-babies; My chances of accomplishing that were a lot higher, because I would refuse to fail for her. Cheesy, but oh so true!
So I've been working on it off and on for a few days now & just thought I would post a few pics. I didn't want to "announce" I was taking this on until I knew it would turn out somewhat decent. It might just be a "kit" blanket, but I'm am one PROUD MAMA! Because for my first honest attempt at following a pattern from start to finish... I think I turned out awesome!
Here are a few pics...

(Above: after the first night)

(Below: close-up of the monogram I did myself)

(Below: a snap of what it looks like almost done)

And I will post a pic of my little munchkin with her new blanky soon :)

Hope you enjoyed hearing about my baby steps back into the "sewing world"

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