Wednesday, December 2, 2009

One Year In & Here's The Diva Dish!

Over the past year I have had more than a handful of people ask me how Diaper Diva Boutique started & I figured what better way to celebrate my first year up and running than to share with my friends, family, customers & fans exactly that.

Let me start this by saying that I am so Thankful for where I am today & for those that stood behind me, stood beside me & those that kicked me in the rear and made me take those first few steps… I am where I am because of you.

Last year I was a stay at home mom, not glamorous, but right where I wanted to be. The problem was… since my husband had taken a job with a new company finances had become tight to say the least. Bills were becoming late & debt was mounting, but the idea of having to go back to work at the bank I had left a year earlier was not something I wanted to have to do. At least once a week Kaleb, Emma & myself would meet up with a close girlfriend for lunch and a play-date and of course somewhere in the conversation the subject of money and lack there of would come up. One day, this amazingly sweet friend put it to me blunt… “Shut up & do something about it. If you don’t like where you are… change it. You have talent, you’re creative & you love your kids… so tap into it.” I had played with the idea of this boutique of mine since my daughter was born, but had obviously never made any real strides at making a “go” of it. That afternoon, we loaded up the kids and made a $500 trip to Hobby Lobby. We purchased fabric, ribbon, tulle, hot glue guns… you name it, we threw it in the cart. Oh this would be perfect I thought… except for one tiny hang up. This required me to actually use my new Singer machine my girlfriends had all pitched in the year before and bought me. And I say new because I hadn’t opened the box. *If you’re reading this, and you know who you are… I’m sorry! I was scared to death to take up sewing again, lol.

Well, with my heart in my throat I came home and posted an album on my personal MySpace showing what I was capable of doing, hoping for some friends to ask me to make gifts for Christmas. That first Christmas it was all about super fun tutus & dare I say… some of the ugliest bows I’ve ever made. But cut me some slack… I had just started! And surprisingly, the orders started rolling in. By the grace of God, it hasn’t let up yet. Now here I am writing this while listening to Martina McBride sing “Blessed” & I feel more blessed this evening than I have in a long while.

What started out as a way to make some extra money for Christmas gifts has grown to something I couldn’t have imagined & dare I say… successful. I am every day, completely in awe of what has happened over the past year. This Christmas I was capable of more than I ever knew I was capable of… and I owe Thanks to so many people! I also have to say that by doing this I have grown so much as a person, a wife, and a mother. I have made a couple new & great close friends… Ariane, you’re the BOMB! And I owe more to you than I could ever re-pay! All of the annoying e-mails and messages on my part, & you being so helpful & understanding… To the jokes, laughs and gossip almost every day… It’s crazy, you’re states away yet I consider you such an awesome & great girlfriend. Brittany, you were such a blessing… from a meeting to take pictures of my kids because I fell in love with your work, but was so broke! The best trade for free tutus ever! Our friendship has grown, both of our businesses have & I can’t help but think it was meant to be. And thanks to my circle of girlfriends... the Singer, the love, the support... I wouldn't be here without it. And Brandy, Thanks for the swift kick in the rear I needed to just be brave & do something about it :)

I have to say also, that my best friend, my husband… he’s been amazingly supportive. Days of him coming home to a crazy messy house, but me standing holding up my newest creation I’m sure would drive any man away… I love him to bits and pieces because he works crazy hours, sacrifices anything and everything to provide for us & I know it’s because he loves us to the end of the Earth and back. I love him even more for loving me and encouraging me the way he does... in his eyes I'm Super Woman! So if you see him on the street just play along, j/k!

Lastly, & most importantly… Thank You to my babies! Kaleb & Emma-Grace, you are my reason for being, your sweet faces are what pushes me to stay up just one more hour, or answer just one more e-mail before heading to bed. You two are the encouragement I need to keep trying, because I want more than anything else, for you to be proud of me.

I sit here thinking about the past year, how it started, & where I am now & it still blows me away. What a combination… I was raised by my Grandmother, a woman who came from a generation where women could barely vote, but boy could they sew… attended a High School where my favorite class was Home Ec. and a proud member of FHA (Future Homemakers of America). Throw that in with wanting to stay home with my baby girl, who has been the Queen Bee of the house since birth… and you get Diaper Diva Boutique.

I’ll finish off by saying two things.

The first, being that never underestimate what you are capable of, because you might just surprise yourself. And secondly, a quote…

“You are never taken down a path in life for no reason; there is a meaning behind every footstep.”

I hope & pray that you ladies enjoyed reading this as much as I have enjoyed writing it & I wish everyone a blessed Christmas & Happy New Year! 2010 is going to be great… it’s up to us to make it that way.


Luv-Me-Knot Boutique said...

I'm crying and not because it's 2:00am and I still have a pair of bloomers, two tops and overalls to make. You are so creative and talented. Keep up the good work, I see many great things in the days ahead for you. It's your amazing talent,drive and most of all heart that will get you that store front someday. Heck, maybe I'll just work for you. I love you! Ariane

Michelle said...

WOW...I am bawling right now! I just found you thru Facebook and decided to look at your blog and I am SO glad I did! You seem like an amazing person! CONGRATS on your success and I know I will enjoy following you here and on your site!

Anonymous said...

I am crying!!!! I am so glad that I came across your blog. I want to someday be a photographer, I am so afraid though. Your "two things" really put things into perspective! Thanks!